The attorneys in our firm have extensive experience in the defense of personal injury and property damage cases based on various claims, including negligence, products liability, workplace injury and intentional tort claims. We handle personal injury cases in state and federal courts throughout Texas and nationwide. Our attorneys are trained to aggressively investigate and defend personal injury claims of any nature, with the objective of vindicating our clients through summary judgment, a satisfactory settlement, or a positive result at trial.

Our attorneys are proud of the success we have had at the courthouse. Members of our firm have also achieved positions of responsibility and esteem in national and state advocacy organizations such as the Inn of Court, Association of Trial Lawyers of America, International Order of Barristers, National Bar Association, American Bar Association, American College of Trial Lawyers and others.

A few of our personal injury areas include:


have represented a variety of clients in liability cases arising from
violent crimes on commercial property, as well as traditional premises
liability cases, such as those involving slip and fall incidents,
attractive nuisance claims and accidents involving independent
lawyers are trained to handle all aspects of motor vehicle accident
litigation ranging from simple rear-end collisions to complex injury and
death cases. We promptly
investigate claims, determine fault, assess defenses and prepare cases
for trial. Or where possible, we can often negotiate favorable
handling tort liability issues have experience in claims arising out of
incidents in the workplace including, but not limited to, workers’
compensation, false imprisonment, on-the-job and defamation injuries. Our lawyers have represented property owners, premise
occupiers, and self-insured employers.
have represented clients in multi-claim and multi-party cases that have
required specialized litigation teams. Attorneys in our firm have experience in directing the strategic
planning, case management and support necessary to manage the large
numbers of cases involved in a typical mass tort case, whether it
involves toxic exposure, defective products, or other personal injury